a. The day-to-day administration of the band is conducted by an Executive Committee, consisting of persons who are members in good standing of the band. Every member is responsible to the Director.
b. The internal management of the band is undertaken by a Committee of the officers of the band. This committee consists of the Director, Deputy Director of Music, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant. The Director may co-opt such other officers as may be considered necessary from time to time.
c. The Executive Committee co-opts such other members or non members who have a dire interest in promoting and developing the band, as considered necessary from time to time.
d. Meetings of the Committee are convened by the Secretary as and when required by the Director in order to discharge efficiently the business of the band. Four members in person constitute a quorum of any meeting of the Committee. Voting is by a show of hands. Minutes are kept of the proceedings at all meetings. The Chairman presiding over the meeting, in all cases of equal division, has an additional or casting vote.
e. The Director is the Chairman presiding at all meetings. In the absence of the Director or the Deputy Director of Music, a chairman for the meeting is chosen by the members present from within their numbers.
f. The Executive Committee is responsible for the discipline and conduct of members, and has complete and absolute authority regarding membership and the standing of members. They can suspend any member from performing with the band if they are of the opinion that the participation of that individual would be detrimental to the band.
Digital Brass shall has the following offices and officers:
i. Director/Principal Conductor (otherwise called the Director)
ii. Deputy Director of Music/Assistant Conductor
iii. Secretary
iv. Internal Relations Officer/Assistant Secretary
v. Treasurer
vi. Band Sergeant
vii. Property Officer/Assistant Internal Relations Officer
viii. Legal Advisor/Public Relations Officer (might be a non playing member)
i. The ascension into office of officers “ii – viii” above is by appointment at the discretion of the Director.
ii. Every officer so appointed holds office for one year, after which period the Director appoints new officers to succeed them.
iii. At the discretion of the Director, any officer can be asked to continue in office beyond the one year tenure and for as long as the Director finds him disciplined, efficient, loyal and trustworthy.
iv. An officer automatically ceases to be one if he resigns or dies.
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